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Privacy Statement
The Privacy Act requires us to have procedures in place to cover the collection, use and disclosure of personal information we may hold about you. We have always believed that your privacy should be protected, and we abide with and are bound by the National Privacy Principles in Australia and Information Privacy Principles in New Zealand.
Personal Information
We hold and use personal information about you. Typically this includes your name, address, date of birth, telephone numbers, e-mail, gender, next of kin, health information, skin type and hair type. In addition, we hold information concerning each of your treatments.
Why Collect Personal Information?
We collect personal information for the following purposes:
Assessing your skin/hair type for parameter setting of various treatments.
Providing you with treatment.
Contacting you for various purposes e.g. confirming appointments, newsletters, overdue accounts etc.
Recommending to you, or providing you with details of other products and services that you may need. However, you can notify us at any time if you do not wish to be contacted regarding these products and services. We will act promptly on any such request.
Statistical and/or research analysis, which is grouped and would not identify you as an individual.
Fulfilling our legal requirements e.g. disclosure to courts.
Collection of information
The required information is collected from you or your parent/guardian, if you are under age 18. In some circumstances, such as collection of health and other pertinent information, we may collect it directly from a specialist medical practitioner or other health worker chosen by you.
What if personal information is not provided?
We only collect information relevant to our business/medical relationship with you. If you do not provide the requested information, we will not be able to provide any treatment to you.
Will my information be disclosed to others?
We will not share, sell or trade your personal information to any outside party. We use secure sites to ensure that your information is kept safe and confidential. Only our Board of Directors, employees, contractors and third party suppliers (e.g. computer programmers) who perform work on our behalf will have access to your personal information. We bind our suppliers with the same standard of care as we do ourselves so they cannot provide this information to anyone else.
How long do you keep my personal information?
As a guide, we retain information for seven years after your last dealing with us, however we may retain some information for shorter or longer periods than this, depending upon specific legal requirements and other relevant factors pertinent to the proper and practical management of our clinics.
How do I get access to personal information?
You can request access to personal information by contacting the Privacy Officer. There are some circumstances in which we are entitled to deny you access to information; for example, you may not obtain access to information relating to existing or anticipated legal proceedings or where the privacy of others may be breached if the information was accessed or where the law requires or authorises such access to be denied. The Privacy Officer will advise if any of these circumstances apply to you. The information provided to you is free unless it requires significant research or preparation time. We will advise you in advance if there is a cost for this service.
What to do if you think we’ve made an error?
We are committed to the protection of your privacy. However, sometimes human errors do occur. If you think that we have not lived up to our commitment, please contact us. Our objective is to respond to any complaint within 7 days, although it may take longer to settle the issue. Where we have done the wrong thing, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that it does not happen again.
Resolution of privacy concerns
If you are concerned about a possible interference with privacy, you should contact the Privacy Officer. If your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, the matter can be referred to the Privacy Commissioner on 1300 363 992 (Australia) or 0800 803 909 (New Zealand).
Why choose us?
Trusted for over 20 years
Operating since 1999, we are one of the most experienced laser and skin clinics in Melbourne.
Highly qualified nurses
All of our medical procedures and treatments are administered by Division 1 Registered nurses.
Over 2 million treatments
We know a thing or two about laser hair removal, skin, body and cosmetic treatments.